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  Public Employee Press

PEP Oct. 2002
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  La Voz

Public Employee Press

Budget crisis looms: We need a friend in Albany

Executive Director
District Council 37, AFSCME

In the Sept. 10 Primary vote, all but four of the dozens of candidates DC 37 supported won their races. At the top of the ticket, strong support from union activists and his own compelling message helped H. Carl McCall come from behind to take a commanding lead.

I want to thank all our volunteers and staff for their contributions to Carl McCall's magnificent victory. But we cannot pause to pat ourselves on the back. We have to keep up our momentum all the way into the general election on Nov. 5.

To win, Mr. McCall will have to come from behind again. We will have to work harder than ever, but we can make the difference in this election.

Have no doubts, sisters and brothers, this is a must-win election for us. Public services and public jobs are on the line.

The State of New York is headed for its worst fiscal crisis in decades. Governor Pataki will probably not reveal its true size before the election, but our economists are predicting a deficit of more than $7 billion. State funds for schools, hospitals and aid to the city will be on the chopping block.

When tough decisions are made, we will need a friend in Albany - a friend who cares about the education our children and grandchildren get, a friend who cares about quality health care for all New Yorkers, a friend who would never turn his back on the needs of our city. We will need a friend like Carl McCall.

The recession and the economic fallout of 9/11 have hurt, but the biggest wound has been self-inflicted: Governor Pataki's tax giveaways have cost the state $13 billion a year, according to the Fiscal Policy Institute. Most of the tax breaks went to people who make over $185,000 a year, not to the working families of this state.

Eighth grade is NOT enough for city kids
The last time the state faced a big deficit, thousands of DC 37 members had to hit the streets with picket signs to protest Gov. Pataki's inhumane effort to cut city Medicaid money by about $1 billion, lay off workers and close hospitals.

He has done it before. You and I know he would do it again.

Gov. Pataki is trying to weasel out of his responsibility for the ugly court decision that said an eighth-grade education is enough for our children. The ruling canceled the $1 billion that a lower court had ordered the state to give the New York City schools.

Now he claims he disagrees, but he ordered the appeal and sent state lawyers to court. When judges he appointed denied city kids an equal share of state funds, he said he was "pleased." Who does he think he is fooling?

To cope with the looming budget gaps, the city and state need to increase revenues with some tax increases for those who can best afford to pay. Mr. McCall says we should bring back the commuter tax of a few cents a day on suburbanites. This is a justified and principled position, but it may cost him some votes outside New York City. That means we will just have to work all the harder to put our friend in the statehouse.

On Nov. 5, vote for our values and our jobs

On Election Day, Nov. 5, we have a rare opportunity to elect a governor who reflects us - our views and our values. We can have a governor who cares about working people, our jobs and our communities, but to win we will have to go all out:

  • To vote on Nov. 5, you must register by Oct. 11. Call the union's Political Action Dept. at (212) 815-1550 if you need help.
  • We need more members to volunteer to make the phone calls over the final month of the campaign and to get out the vote on Election Day. If you want to make a difference, send in the coupon on page 8 of this newspaper.
  • When you go to vote, bring your family and friends. It's their city too. Help them to make a difference for H. Carl McCall on Nov. 5.


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