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  Public Employee Press

PEP Oct 2013 Table of Contents
  La Voz

Public Employee Press

Book Review
Alternatives to our low-wage plutocracy

There's an explosion of commentary on the continuing crisis plaguing American capitalism that has given us wage stagnation, chronic unemployment, growing inequality and unchecked corporate power. But, while confidence in the system is fading, many believe there is no alternative.

Gar Alperovitz is a stunning exception with his new book, "What Then Must We Do?" and the film, "The Next American Revolution: Beyond Corporate Capitalism and State Socialism." They highlight efforts under way in thousands of U.S. communities - from worker and community co-ops and community land trusts to municipal, state, and federal enterprises to democratize capital and the delivery of services - showing how bottom-up strategies work to check the plutocracy, democratize wealth, and empower communities.

Growing local government is one option. In addition to traditional city services, over a quarter of U.S. power companies are owned by cities or cooperatives. And dissatisfaction with private internet services has led some cities to explore providing high-speed, low-cost internet services.

The state-run Bank of North Dakota uses government revenue deposits to lend money to state residents and businesses and has drawn interest in other states.

When (not if) the private big banks fall into another crisis, Alperovitz says we will see that they are too big to be regulated and must be nationalized. He also supports the push in Vermont and other state legislatures (including New York) to institute a single-payer health care system (modeled on the Canadian system and Medicare) to improve on the flaws in Obamacare.

He also points out the hidden success of worker cooperatives throughout U.S. history and highlights a new wave of cooperatives such as the Evergreen cooperatives in Cleveland, which have enterprises including laundries, greenhouses and solar panel installation. Like the flourishing Madragon Cooperative in Spain, Evergreen funds new cooperative enterprises from its profits. Many unions including the Steelworkers and the Service Employees support the spread of this model nationwide.

The author's point is that with capitalism failing to benefit the 99 percent, it's time to explore alternatives based on a multitude of successful government and worker-run enterprises to build a new economy. His book and DVD are available in the DC 37 Ed Fund Library.

—Ken Nash
DC 37 Education Fund Library,
Room 211

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