District Council 37
(212) 815-7555
  Public Employee Press

PEP Nov. 2008
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  La Voz

Public Employee Press

DC 37 mourns death of child-care advocate Elizabeth Luna

Elizabeth Luna, 30, the former recording secretary of Local 1070, died Oct. 3. “She was hard-working and involved herself in everything,” said Local President Clifford Koppelman. “She took an interest in political action, in the fight for affordable child care, and in her community.”

Luna held many positions in Court, County and Probation Dept. Employees Local 1070 and served on Bronx community boards 6 and 8. “She did so much for us,” said Local Vice President Fausto Sabatino. “She had so much energy and was so full of life.”

One year ago, in search of a bigger salary, Luna took on a new challenge as a Probation Officer.

Luna consistently lent her considerable skills to the fight for affordable day care. She traveled with other DC 37 members to Albany to advocate for the voucher program for low-income families. The week of her death, she was set to be profiled in a Daily News story highlighting the shortfalls of the city’s free day care program.

“If every working parent had child care, the world would be so much more productive,” said Luna. She pointed out that her $35,000 salary was too little for her to afford day care, yet too much to qualify for the free program.

Through her volunteer political work, Luna met SSEU Local 371 member Aurea A. Mangual, who became a friend and mentor. “Everyone loved her,” said Mangual. “She was so genuine.”

Luna left two small children, Halle, 5, and Tyler, 2, whom she dearly loved, and an affectionate circle of family and friends. Inner strength allowed her to work full-time to support her family, parent two small children, earn a college degree and actively serve her union and her community. Over 1,000 people attended a farewell service to say goodbye to the much-loved Luna.

— Jane LaTour

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