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  Public Employee Press

PEP Dec-Jan 2012
Table of Contents
  La Voz

Public Employee Press

The vibrant media of Occupy Wall Street

Just over two months old, Occupy Wall Street has blossomed into the mass movement we have been waiting for to reach out to the 99 percent who are getting poorer and poorer because of the actions of the superrich and the corporations. OWS's marriage of thought and direct action have united the, until now, disparate labor and social movements for change in New York City, nationally and internationally with the slogan "We Are One."

Despite the invasion of Liberty Square by the New York City government, you can still learn much by going there to experience this revolution first hand by observing, conversing and participating in actions and meetings.

Since the crackdown, the mainstream press has turned more hostile to the movement, so it is essential to go to the OWS website, www.occupywallst.org, directly for their take and to look at the current and archived news on the front page. Go to the General Assembly page for policy statements, lists of upcoming meetings and events plus activities of the Labor Outreach Committee and other committees.

There is also access to live video streams each day of meetings and protests, including the Oakland Occupy general strike of Nov. 2, here and throughout the country and the world. A brand new source is the Occupy Wall Street email News Service http://owsnews.org/register

For longer, more analytic pieces you can go to the Occupied Wall Street Journal, which has had articles by Naomi Klein, author of the "Shock Doctrine," who compared OWS to the Egyptian Tahrir Square occupation protests and described OWS as "the most important thing in the world," and Pulitzer prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges' article, "The Rebellion Will Not Stop." Occupied Wall Street Journal, a monthly, is distributed free around the city and online at http://www.occupiedmedia.org

For further thought, check out Adbusters (http://www.adbusters.org) - the anti-corporate, Canadian magazine that issued the first call for a movement to occupy Wall Street last July and is now calling for actions for a world-wide financial speculation tax.

OWS also has continual coverage on WBAI Radio 99.5 FM, including a show by OWS from 5:30 to 6 p.m., Monday to Friday, followed on Mondays by Building Bridges (which I co-produce with Mimi Rosenberg), which has covered OWS since its inception.

—Ken Nash
DC 37 Education Fund Library

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