District Council 37
(212) 815-7555
  Public Employee Press

PEP April 2009
Table of Contents
  La Voz

Public Employee Press

Letters to the editor

True solidarity with laid off park workers
The following letter was sent to DC 37 Retirees Association President Stu Leibowitz with a check for $930. PEP does not print anonymous letters, but the writer asked for his name to be withheld and we will respect his privacy.

An item in the March 09 PEP did arouse my ire, the plight of 31 employees of the Central Park Conservancy who were discharged in January because of their union activities and/or age, a despicable act on CPC’s part.

What to do for these people who never made it into the ranks of union membership?
Well, here goes–I want the enclosed sum to be distributed, equally, among the 31 affected former employees of CPC, to give them a little “walking around” money. I only wish it could have been more.

I spent almost 18 years assigned to Central Park. As a proud union member of various locals as my job title changed during my 30 years in Parks, that is why their story hit home. They never had access to union protection against the hardship they now have to endure.

If any inquiries are made as to who the donor is, I wish to remain anonymous to all except you and Lillian Roberts, the executive director of DC 37.

May God bless the union movement and those who keep it strong.

How about early out?
It’s amazing to me that except for a single NY Post article on Dec. 12, titled “Buy Bye Offers Eyed For City Workers” there has been no official mention of a buy-out offer by unions or city/state officials. If we want to help the budget, cut the head count, minimize layoffs and do more with less, then an early-retirement package seems logical.

By enticing older, generally higher-paid employees, into retirement and not replacing them, you accomplish several goals. Why is there no public dialogue about early-retirement plans?

New Jersey offered a buyout proposal to their state workers last year. Toyota, Chrysler and Disney have offered buyout packages to reduce headcount as painlessly as possible.

It is time to consider this measure of aid for city and state budgets in dire financial straits, yet we heard nothing regarding this tried and proven financial strategy.

—Mark Shoenfield
Computer Specialist, Local 2627

Question on contract
My payroll department in the Dept. of Education is telling me that the new contractual increase doesn’t apply to equity payments, only RIP payments. Is this true? We have been receiving contractual raises on equity payments for over 15 years, so this doesn’t make sense to me. Can you confirm?

Chris Inguanta
Local 2627

Editor’s note: According to the DC 37 Research and Negotiations Dept., in addition to the increases in the RIPs (Recurring Increment Payments), the 2008–10 economic agreement increases payments such as longevity differentials, service increments, assignment differentials and uniform allowances by the two 4 percent increases, effective on the last day of the contract, March 2, 2010, as long as the total cost of the increases does not exceed 0.11% of the payroll.

As a member of Local 2627, you have a longevity differential.

Poem on Obama

My married name is Mary Ann Mercorella. I worked for the city starting Dec. 3, 1973, at the Board of Education. I transferred in 1981 to the Police Dept. I worked at the 108th Pct.

I have been on Disability Retirement since 1998.

It would be an honor to have my poem in the Public Employee Press.

Mary Ann Mercorella

Life’s Prism
By Ann Reinlein

These days it feels like the heaviness of an anvil pressing into your soul.
Sometimes you feel is there a need to play those joyful songs?
Why do the children dance and sing along?
Don’t they see the unfolding of life’s calamity within our daily headlines?
Who can be so festive at this time?
Unrest is foremost on our mind.
Don’t say greetings of peace and goodwill to the people.
Will that saying suppress all the evil?
Am I supposed to be your friend?
When will this unrest end?
Presently, there is nothing to play music about.
Suddenly, a day came which one will always remember.
Your eyes gushed forth with tears of hope.
So sing that joyful song!
Peace has come at last so let’s remain strong.
Let “U.S.” break into a festive dance.
President Barack Obama brought the hope of a beautiful rainbow.



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