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  Public Employee Press

PEP Jul/Aug 2011
Table of Contents
  La Voz

Public Employee Press

Letters to the Editor

Another voice against hydrofracking hazards

I was pleased to read your article about the battle over fracking, as I have been opposing the various steps that state officials have taken to bring hydraulic fracturing for natural gas to New York State over the past three years, starting with the passage by the legislature of the well spacing bill. That was rushed through to conclude the legislative session, hours before the 2008 summer break, and most of the legislators had not even had the opportunity to read the bill and understand what they were voting on, as happens so often in Albany, and then Gov. Paterson hastened to sign it.

I hope that the Senate acts to pass S.5592, to put a one-year moratorium on all fracking in the state, so that the federal Environmental Protection Agency can complete its comprehensive study of the process and its possible environmental consequences.

The state Public Employee Federation, representing 2,000 workers at the state Dept. of Environmental Conservation, urged that new state regulations not be finalized until completion of the federal study, which is expected by the end of 2012.

There are many Web sites that describe environmental incidents presumably caused by hydraulic fracturing. One of the most detailed is www.toxicstargeting.com.

— Arnold M. Frogel
Consumer Affairs Inspector
Local 1759

Proud of Obama, Bush, Clinton and Reagan

I am glad that letter writer Larry A. Ginsberg is "proud of DC 37 for opposing a needless and unjust war" in Afghanistan. I wish he would be equally proud of what our president is doing to help the Afghan and Libyan people, and also be proud of what our last few presidents have done to help people oppressed by dictators.

President Obama's defeat of Osama bin Laden is a great achievement. The information that led to finding bin Laden was made possible by the enhanced interrogation methods established under President Bush. We should also commend Bush for liberating Iraq from Saddam Hussein (who killed 100 times as many people as bin Laden).

President Clinton liberated Kosovo and Serbia from Slobodan Milosevic, and Haiti from Raoul Cedras. The first President Bush prevented Saddam Hussein from taking over Kuwait, and his predecessor, President Reagan, liberated the people who were suffering under the Soviet dictatorship.

All of the above-mentioned presidents, including President Obama, deserve to be commended, not condemned.

— John Francis Fox
Local 1549

U.N. violates principles

I was appalled when I read the article in the Sunday News by Albor Ruiz about the United Nations firing Elevator Operators. The article said six workers were let go after working at the U.N. for over 20 years.

The article brought tears to my eyes, because of the inhumane treatment the six elevator operators received by the U.N. management.

One of the Elevator Operators, who worked at the U.N. for 28 years, lost all of his health benefits. He's a diabetic and needs medicine, but now can't afford it.

These union workers were fired because the U.N. switched to a non-union outside contractor. This violated the pledge of the U.N.'s own International Labor Organization, which says workers should be protected in their employment "against anti-union discrimination."


— Glen Cokley

A Muslim temple is a house of God

I am a retired member of DC 37. I am not living in New York anymore; however, I am still on top of what is going on in the world.

It is frightening to watch and read about all the hatefulness that is going on, and seems to be getting worse. We had wars with Japan and Germany, but the U.S. made peace with these countries.

What a shame that so many would try to oppose a Muslim temple here, a house of God.

I have to wonder, do we read the words of forgiveness in the Bible? Can we blame an entire nation for the words of a few? Wake up America!

— Delaco Williams

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