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  Public Employee Press

PEP Jul-Aug 2015
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  La Voz

Public Employee Press

The Extremists

Eighteen months before the 2016 presidential election, public employees are already in the bull's eye of many of the extremist candidates, which makes the race especially significant to DC 37 members.

Moderate Republicans - retired, defeated or in self-exile - no longer have a significant voice in their party. Their absence from the political debate and the influx of big money from right-wing donors have helped Tea Party supporters and other extremists push the party further to the right.

Working families, immigrants, minorities and women will have strong grounds for alarm if one of these candidates wins the 2016 election. Unions could be targeted for extinction.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker - who has crippled unions in his home state and counts on the support of the billionaire Koch brothers - says, if elected, he will take his anti-labor agenda nationwide. Then say goodbye to collective bargaining rights and watch as our hard-won benefits erode.

Voting rights, humane immigration reform, women's right to choose and health care will be targeted. These extremist candidates want to privatize Social Security and reduce benefits. Medicare will also be on the chopping block.

The rhetoric and records of these candidates are very disturbing: When Jeb Bush was governor, Florida disenfranchised thousands of people by taking them off its voter rolls. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie has made a career in public office by demonizing public school teachers and cutting the pension benefits of public service workers. He is starving the state pension system by reneging on agreed-upon contributions. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has called for the repeal of the Voting Rights Act, and orchestrated the irresponsible government shutdown in 2013. Sen. Lindsey Graham wants to send 10,000 troops to the Middle East.

In 1992, Mike Huckabee recommended that people with HIV/AIDS be quarantined, and likens homosexuality to alcoholism. A libertarian, Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky would whittle away government - which means, of course, cutting public sector jobs. Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry says states should be able to opt out of Social Security and Medicaid. Florida Sen. Marco Rubio describes climate change as a myth.

In the coming months, we must pull together and speak out against this dangerous agenda. Be prepared to fight.

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