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  Public Employee Press

PEP Sept. 2010
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  La Voz

Public Employee Press

Races to watch on Primary Day

Local leaders on DC 37's Screening Committee met with candidates who are running in the Sept. 14 primary elections for the U.S. Congress, New York State offices and the state Legislature.

Based on their positions on organized labor and the issues that matter most to members, working families and retirees, the committee recommended candidates to the Executive Board and Delegates, who endorsed those listed on the facing page. DC 37 supports these candidates in the primary and urges union members to help them win by volunteering for telephone banks and get-out-the-vote efforts on Primary Day, Tuesday, Sept. 14. If you want to make a difference in this important election, call the Political Action Dept. at 212-815-1550.

"These are friends who have worked with us on the issues important to the union - contracting out, pensions, jobs, education, health care and budget issues - in today's tough economic situation," said Political Action Committee Chair Lenny Allen.

Pro-union candidates

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a strong advocate for working people and health care, is running for the first time to keep the seat she was appointed to after President Obama named Hillary Clinton Secretary of State.

State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli, appointed in 2007, is also getting strong support from DC 37 members in his election campaign.

"DiNapoli is in a very powerful position," said DC 37 Executive Director Lillian Roberts. "Like City Comptroller John Liu, Thomas DiNapoli is cracking down on contracting out. We can count on him to stand up for us in Albany."

Richard Brodsky, running for state Attorney General, has a long record of standing up for working families. He opposed the mayor on congestion pricing, contracting out, and building new stadiums for the Jets and Yankees on the taxpayers' dime.

At a recent DC 37 PAC meeting, Brodsky told union activists, "You are a union of decent, hardworking people, a big, strong, moral union that doesn't back down from a fight. We have a lot of work to do together."

Some of the candidates DC 37 is supporting for the state Senate and Assembly are facing tough races on Sept. 14.

Sen. Bill Perkins of Manhattan stands with DC 37 on important education issues and preserving public services and jobs. He chaired state hearings investigating allegations of corruption and fiscal abuses at the privately run, publicly funded charter schools. Wealthy charter school profiteers are trying to knock him out of the Legislature.

DC 37 is also working hard to re-elect state Sens. Shirley Huntley of Queens and Velmanette Montgomery of Brooklyn and pushing to elect Marion Bell, a district leader and Teachers union member, to the state Assembly seat formerly held by Adam Clayton Powell IV.

— Diane S. Williams

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